Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ginny/ Draco fanfiction

Everything buzzed for me there was no time to sit still and think. No one seemed to even know what had just happened the silver shimmering cat rippeled spreading silence in all directions. Most people had no idea what had just happened it was hard to comprehend. I jumped up at the sound of Kingsley’s voive knowing nothing he said would be good news, my wand in my hand, the silence was unnerving. Then someone screamed. All hell broke loose, everyone was there shoving each other out of the way as death eaters apperated unto the dance floor. I pushed my way through saying the say spell over and over again. Getting what action I could in while I had the chance. I turned to see Tonks and Lupin fighting off the death eaters just as I was. I turned again barely missing a jinx fired by Yaxly. Most of the guest had dissaperated by now and only the order Weaselys and Delacours remain. I watched as they disappeared off to do whatever it was they were doing. Soon they over powered us and we sat on our knees. Mum looked around for the trio. Secretly I think she knew she wouldn’t see them but she needed to look for them anyway.
            “Where is Harry Potter?” Jugson asked standing above us, our spirits were battered and I bet if the Delacours knew where he was they would have sold him out. Luckily the only people who knew where he was were long gone. Mr. Delacour looked ready to cry. They defiantly were a vulnerable people.
            “Ve do not know” Mrs. Delacour said weeping, Fleur looked about to cry. I wanted to go over there and comfort her but that was what Bill was for. I knew I shouldn’t but I couldn’t help myself.
            “those of us who are loyal to him would never tell you!” I felt the swift kick of a large foot and did not see who had done it. It did not matter to me, I had said what needed to be said. The air was stiff for but a moment when all of my brothers stood up to defend me. One by one the death eaters fell against my brothers united power. Fred offered me his hand as Yoxly let us leave with a Warrning.
            “If we ever find out you are helping him in any way. You all will suffer a fate worse then death.” He apperated with his last words and not a moment too soon. Fred and George’s combined spell split the wall behind him wide open.
            I stood in the kitchen icing my face. Everyone was so shock up a little wound like mine went unnoticed, I didn’t mind. There was so much out there that needed to be done.  Dad and the boys stood in the living room above the couch where hagrid was sitting too drunk to really know what had happened. Mum was no where to be seen, I knew though with out really thinking where she was.
            I found her sitting in Ron’s room, the Ghoul coughing in his bed. She acted like he wasn’t there, she just sat in the middle of the room rocking unsteadily tears running down her face. I walked slowly over to her wrapping my arms around her. She jumped at the touch of my hand like she never expected anyone to find her. I rocked with her a moment looking at all of Ron’s stuff.
            “He’s gone Ginny, He’s really gone.” He voice raspy full of sadness I wasn’t sure what to say. None of my words could ever make this better. She might never see her youngest son again, she might never get to say I love you one more time. All my words just seemed insignificant.
            “I know Mum, I know.”

            I was sitting in the kitchen with Charlie when the daily prophet arrived. Mum was spending all her time in her room and dad was working harder then ever mostly because he needed to prove that he wasn’t a threat. If you knew dad you knew he could never be a threat. He was a smart man but just a bit dim sometimes and I loved him dearly.
            The giant picture of Harry is what stood out to me. I cried out in anger and Charlie ran over to me.
            I threw the paper across the room. Did they really think people would belive this crap? Harry was the epitone of goodness sure he had his bouts of evil but never would he kill someone. Then again I could understand the thinking, but never Harry. Harry could not do this, Damn them for putting this into people’s minds as if things weren’t bad enough this was bound to make things even worse. Charlie wrapped his arms around me as Harry’s face mocked me from across the room. I pulled myself out of his arms and grabbed the paper ready to read what other lies they had printed.

’Muggle born Register,” I read aloud to a very attentive Charlie, “’ the Ministry off magic is undertaking a survey of so-called “Muggle Borns” the better to understand  how they came to posses magical secrets.
            “’Recent research  undertaken by the Department of Mysteries reveals that magic can only be passed from person to person when Wizards reproduce. Where no proven Wizardry ancestry exists, therefore, the so-called Muggle-born is likely to have obtained magical powers by thief or force.’” I stopped briefly for a moment anger just filling my soul. “This is bull crap no one can actually believe this.”
            “Just keep reading Ginny,” he whispered feeling just as bad as I was. I kept reading because it meant not thinking about Hermione and Dean.
            “’ The Ministry is determined to root out such usurpers of magical powers, and to this end has issued an invitation to every so-called Muggle-born to present themselves for interview by the newly appointed Muggle-born Registration Commission’” We sat quietly in the kitchen as we worried about all of our friends. This was Bullocks but yet no one would defy them, everything was unsettled. Charlie held my hand as we sat in silence. I couldn’t think of a thing to say. I knew soon he would have t leave. He had a job and a life of his own. Our life was being turned upside down. Mum wouldn’t leave her room and I was left alone her while dad worked.
            Dad appereated in at the right moment, a few seconds before Charlie had left for his life at Gringots. Never had I felt so alone. I stood in front of ron’s door looming at the ghoul that was supposedly him.
            “Ginny is everything ok?” He asked seeing my glum face. I think the silence of the house had finally gotten to me. Nothing was o.k. and I didn’t know when it would be again.
            “Yeah dad everything is fine. You just missed Charlie.” I said getting everything ready for dinner. We had to eat sometime. He looked shocked, like he had some news for me that he didn’t really want to say. Whatever it was I knew if could be worse.
            “Ginny, if you ever had plans on skipping school this year, you can’t. they are making it mandatory.” His words were heavey on his heart I knew it, just as he knew me. I didn’t plan on going back to school not when mum was comatose as she was. Obviously they knew, they knew how many people would skip out on Hogwarts now that Dumbledore was dead. I really couldn’t believe they were making us do that. “They are going to do a blood status before you can go. Yours will be tomorrow.” He sighed and walked up the stairs I knew that tonight I would be eating by myself.

            “Step in and flush,” he said pointing my in the direction of the womens loo. It was all dizzying I didn’t know what had happened. Before there was a phonebooth and now everyone had to come in this way? “I’ll meet you there.”
            I stepped into the water bowl feeling foolish but knowing instantly that I had done the right thing. Though my feet were emerged in water they remained dry. I looked around and saw the gold chain without a second to think I pulled it. I spun for a second before appearing in a fire inside the ministry. Being learned in ,agic all my life this was nothing startling about this. I walked confidently out of the pit.
            “what are you doing here Weasley?” I recognized the voice right away, it was a voice I did not want to hear at the moment. I did not want to deal with him at the moment and when I felt a hand at my shoulder I turned wand in hand. Ready to duel if the opertunity arose.
            “I think the better question is what are you doing here. Aren’t they certain of your blood status or has someone finnaly looked into the rumor about your house elf being your dad?” she said watching his face twitch, it gave her pleasure thinking she could ruin his day with just a few well placed words.
            “everyone needs to be tested” he responded walking away I silently cheered feeling another hand at my neck.
            “Do not engage with him Ginny, he could have you killed.” Dad said directing me towards the fountine. It disturbed me. Thrones ontop of bones, it was wrong. We did not rule over anyone, that was not the way it was ment to be.
            “He’d rather kill me himself dad” I told him more then likely not settling his mind much. I knew this but at least I settled my own. He silently just pulled me along.
            The spoke to me with such arrogance in their voices, like I was beneath them, dirt and while most thought  our family as blood traitors I never really felt it before this. Luckily though te meeting lasted all of minuet, we might be blood traitors but we were pure blood. Dad didn’t let me stand around a moment more then I needed to he pushed me out of the ministry and apperated me to Fred and George’s. they smiled at me carefully taking me off of his hands.
            “what classes are you taking this year?” Fred asked getting me a butterbeer out of their mini-bar in the back of the store. She sighed they were great at changing the subject off of tense things.
            “Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, transfiguration, and Herbology.” I responded it was funny. I felt like Fred and George lived so much life and yet I was going further with my school life then they have.
            “Ginny you are so much smarter then the rest of us.” George whispered as lee came into the room, he blushed and quickly left the room again.
            “Speaking of my brains, I had an idea…” I then put down my butterbeer and began to explain the idea that had been rolling around in my head. Potterwatch, as I explained it the first time they stopped me and called Lee into the room so he could hear it too. They all seemed to love my idea, having a news station that actually reports real news so that if Harry ever catches it he’ll know that we are here fighting with him.
            “It’s positively brilliant Ginny!” Lee said for the first time feeling comfortable enough to talk around me.
            “Let the first broadcast of Potterwatch be on September 1st so that Ginny can spread it orally in the Hogwarts express. That way no death eaters can shut us down.” Fred said and George expanded off of it.
            “Password Potter Lives. Remember that Ginny” he said and I zoned out as they made plans for potter watch, another one of my brilliant ideas formed, not one that I really wanted to think about yet, not until I could talk to Luna.

            September 1st came sooner then I wanted, it felt so weird not having Hermione, Ron, and Harry there with me. School was just going to be difficult, espeacilly with the death eaters taking over.  Headmaster Snape, and the Professors Carrows. It was indeed going to be a difficult year. I found Luna and Neville sitting in a abin by thierselves and I joined them eager to see my friends again. Luna and Neville stood up quickly emerging me in a group hug if I wanted it or not.
            “after your brothers wedding I didn’t know what to think. I should have written you but Father was very busy with the quibbler and im not allowed to venture far without him for fear the Bliterz will infest my mind. They are quiet some odd creatures.” Luna said Neville looking at her adoration in his eyes. He had bags it was certain he was taking this just as well as we were. He put his hand on my arm taking a deep breath before speaking to me.
            “how are you doing?” he asked me, it was obviously hard for him to talk this whole subject was difficult. It was time to switch the subject.
            “My brothers and Lee have started something Called Potterwatch, it’s a news show about real news, to let potter know if he’s out there listening that despite everything that is happening we stand beside him. We are still Dumbledore’s Army.” Luna’s face lit up, I knew that she always thought of us in D.A as her friends and family I knew she would be happy to start it up again.
            “do we really want to do that Ginny, things are hard enough.” Neville said always being the voive of reason.
            “What better way to show He-who-must-not-be-named that as long as we are here we will resist. We cant sit back and let him show his new teachers and new rules down our throat without resisting.” I let all my thoughts out my ideas flowing from my head. Luna nodded along with me.
            “Don’t you see Neville, we need to stand up against them let them know that we wont let the Nargles bother us they like have them. It’s our duty.” Neville signed again nodding hopefully he was on our team.
            “Alright what are we doing?” he asked giving in. I did a silent scream excited that they both understood and agreed.
            “spread the word to everyone in the D.A. tonight at midnight Password Potter Lives!” I smiled broadly as the left the cabin going in different directions. A freakily 2nd year come in looking flustered and dizzy in their wake.
            “are you Ginny Weasley?” she asked quietly hand griping a piece of paper, I knew what it was and was dreading it.
            “Yes I’ll take that.” I said grabbing the paper and ripping it open. The 2nd year rushed out of my presence and I made my way towards Slughorn cabin.

            The toad looking fellow was surrounded by extrodanry people whom this year seemed to include Draco. I recognized the similar people, Blaise and Melinda were there last year and I had gotten to know them quiet well. I felt surrounded by people who hated me but I stayed thinking this would be my year so why not get used to it.
            “Ms. Weasley, how nice of you to join us.” Slughorn said all eyes fell on me, I took a spot next to Melinda and Draco feeling the love between them. In reality she could feel the hatred emulating off of Draco towards her. It burned a bit but she was use to it.  “Learn any new hexs Ginevra” he asked using the one name she wished she could erase from history. She laughed it off.
            “quiet a few Proffessor,” Draco laughed next to me, I turned and said into his face. “Maybe I’ll try them on you Malfoy,” the whole cabin laughed at my banter, he just smiled.
            “I have some things I’d like to try on you,” his voice husky in my ear, I looked around the cabin and no one else seemed to hear what he had just muttered. I wouldn’t let him see how much it bothered me, instead I just turned and pretended to pay attention. I looked outside and realized how dark it had gotten and I stood up to leave, we needed to get dressed before we arrived. Draco followed suit as the others let Slughorn faun over them. I turned towards the gyrffindor cabins the train seemed to suddenly lurch to a stop. I braced myself again the walls with one hand, the windows in front of me imploded and suddenly I felt myself being pulled backwards out of the way of the glass. I looked up and into the persons eyes to find the blue eyes of a shattered soul looking back at me. Somehow I had ended up surrounded in Draco’s arms. I pulled away and ran in the opposite direction, not before I heard him talking to Blaise. “Filthy blood traitor, now I’ve got to burn my clothes.”
            “He’s not here!” Neville yelled at the death eater, I pushed past him to stand beside my friends the touch of his skin on my arm sent shivers down my spine, a completely different feeling then when Draco had just touched me. “Search the train, but…” I cut Neville,  his lip began to quiver, this was Bellatrix’s husband the man who had tortured his parents to insanity.
            “You won’t find him,” I moved beside Neville and Luna grabbing both of their hands. They held on tight to me as I hoped they would Seamus join us as did Michael Corner. We stood United against him. Every one stared, it was becoming an occurrence for us to be stared at.
            “I guess he is not here,” the man said leaving the cabins and suddenly the train lurched forward again.

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