Sunday, July 31, 2011

Clean yourselves

I am not by any means a people person. People particularly stupid people piss me off.I know I shouldn't be working in customer service but then again when stupid people piss me off i get very sickly sweet. so it's fine for me to work where i work.
I think that if you are going out in public you should at least shower and put on deodorant because NO ONE wants to smell your disgusting grossness, like this lady that came in today. She was one foul smelling nose sucks most the time and i have always had a hard time smelling things, this women though i could still smell her 30minuets after she left.  my nostrils burned with the foul stink of her decaying body. it was gross no one should ever smell that bad especially considering she was wearing nicer clothes. I almost puked.

Friday, July 29, 2011


it is friday and my only freeday this week tomorrow i work at 7 am and i am not looking forward to it. you never realize just how stupid people are until you work in costumer service. i'm really not looking forward to another day to old people yelling at me because prepay is a waste of their damn time. it's been a month already cant they build a fucking bridge and get over it? i mean come on already.

any way today has been a productive day, last night i wrote 6 pages of my new story, i'm super excited about it like i haven't been excited for something in a while. i'm hoping to get some of it typed out and sent to a publisher in the next few weeks. i can tell my roommates are already sick of my writing. when i get super excited about a story i tend to talk about it alot. my roommate Felicia has been pretty helpful thou, she helps me with names and such today she helped me describe what something smells like, i sometimes blank on things like that. well i'm going to have to end this post pretty quickly because inspiration has struck and i need to help clean. :)